Call to join EuroDoc’s working group on democracy and sustainability

Eurodoc is making a present call for people to join the WG Democracy and sustainability, to work on topics related to Eurodoc’s present involvement in the conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe (CoE), and in particular how larger scale issues linked to democracy and sustainability also affect researchers, and in particular ECRs in their research and career paths, and how scientists relate to these issues, more generally. 

Most urgently, they would need some immediate involvement on a very short-term notice to support Eurodoc’s representation at a coming meeting of the EUA-CDE on academic freedom planned in September, as to brainstorm with the EuroDoc board on specific attention points they would like to bring forward at this meeting. If you are available and keen on discussing the topic with the board, please subscribe to the WG by sending an email to and also state your availability for this short-term brainstorming to the board (