Board meeting 29.01.24
2-Onboarding/transition progress & organizational
1-1- Discussing the compensation
-SiN Workload 2023/compensation Excel file: Discussing the file used to fill in the hours worked. The file indicates how one can be compensated.
-Payment: split twice a year. Payment is tax deducted.
1-2-Use of Google Drive and SiN Slack.
- Where we communicate the most with each other is Slack.
- Emails can also be used.
3-Understanding of roles
- President (Ingvild): general responsibility for the board, separating role as a board leader and role as a private person
- Vice president (Claire): keeping track, scheduling. Unsure about how often to send the newsletter, how often to have board meetings
- Treasurer (Abdo): okay about the position
- Media (Ali): Discussed possibly to share the spreading of information. Be more active in social media for the visibility of SiN.
- Karl Henrik: good transition meeting, continuing previous work
- Dimitris: it takes time to build contact with Eurodoc. Hesitating how to contact the Nordic equivalent of SiN.
4- Yearly wheel
- Quarterly meeting: improve the election system, together with the membership organization
- Navigating budget cuts
- Minister for research and higher education had to resign, would have nice to have SiN more visible, but what nice to meet people. We should go again this year. We need to be seen and active
Agreeing before talking in the name of SiN
7-Vision for 2024
Minority of the PhD finish within 3 years. A PhD is a long work task, you do not feel the happiness of finish many mini tasks.
- Make it that more finish the PhD on time, raise awareness about the rights.
- Better supervision
- Inspiring research environment
- Clarity on career opportunities
- Improve mental health
- The unique vulnerability of international PhD
Is the Phd candidate a student? A colleague?
8-How to meet strategy? Working groups, cooperation with other actors, events etc? (Ingvild will present a suggestion, board discuss)
Nice to have a working group: Document where people can choose what they are interested in.
Possible subjects: Compensations, social media /making SiN visible, harassment and mental health, raising awareness, Life after your PhD, Alumni, Nordic council.
7-Dates for board meetings. Is there interest in a physical board meeting in spring and/or autumn? Where?
Physical meeting in March/April?
Next board meeting: 4th of March at three o’clock
Quarterly Monday: last Monday of February