The Annual General Assembly of SiN on November 11th elected a new board for the 2024 period. On the 27th of November the transition period started with the 2024 board being invited to the penultimate 2023 board meeting, though a transition seminar is planned for early 2024.
Though unfortunately economic considerations forced this AGM to be held online, participation was high, with 10 of SiN’s 11 member organisations participating.
Among the topics on the agenda were SiN’s activities in 2023, as well as suggestions for priorities to the board of 2024, and of course presentation of the Annual and Financial Reports. The AGM also, after much debate, elected a board to lead SiN into the future. In a change from previous years, the AGM elected a 6-person board consisting of:
Ingvild Bergom Lunde as President, leder, from UiO
Claire Degail as Vice-President / Secretary, nestleder/sekretær, from UiT
Abdelrahman Abdelaal as Treasurer, økonomiansvarlig, from UiS
Karl Henrik Storhaug Reinås as Head of Government Relations, myndighetskontakt, from UiO
Ali Hasan Saber Alkaraly as Head of Communications, kommunikasjonsansvarlig, from UiS
and Dimitris Polychronopoulos (USN), returning for a second term as EuroDoc Liaison.
Incoming President Ingvild has the following statement :
«I dagens urolige verden trenger vi mer enn noen gang nyskapende kunnskap som leder til positiv endring. Da trenger vi et akademia der empati, tillit og vitenskapelig ekspertise går hånd i hånd. For å få til dette må vi gjøre stipendiattilværelsen så attraktiv at alle stipendiater blomstrer. Det tjener stipendiatene på, det tjener kolleger på og det tjener kunnskapsproduksjonen på. Sammen med styret og medlemsorganisasjonene gleder jeg meg til å lære enda mer om behovene til stipendiatene og jobbe for at deres behov blir imøtekommet».
“In today’s unstable world, we need more than ever innovative knowledge that leads to positive changes. We therefore need an academic environment where empathy, trust and scientific expertise go hand in hand. In order to achieve this, we need to make being a PhD candidate attractive so that all candidates flourish. The PhD candidates, colleagues and knowledge production will benefit from this flourishing. Together with the board and the member organisations, I look forward to learning even more about the needs of the PhD candidates and to work to ensure that their needs are met”.
Outgoing President Ole Kristian has made the following statement on his exit:
“Å sitte ett år er noe for kort i et verv som dette, men tid er den ressursen som forblir stipendiatperiodens mangelvare. Fokuset i 2023 måtte bli å styre organisasjonen, og vi håper vi legger igjen en sterk posisjon som Ingvild og hennes styre starter fra når de går i gang med sitt arbeid. Vi står i en usikker tid, og sektoren er i endring. Det ligger i de midlertidige stillingens natur at fokus ikke kan være å ta blikket opp å tenke på egen rolle i systemet, og derfor er det viktig å ha et SiN-styre som kan representere gruppen godt.”
“A single year is far too short to get comfortable in a role such as SiN president, but time is a precious resource during the PhD period. In 2023 we had to focus on strengthening the organisation of SiN, and we’re certain Ingvild and her incoming board will start their term from a strong position. We’re in trying and uncertain times, and our sector is changing. It’s in the nature of the temporary academic positions that focus should not be to take a step back and think about your own role in the bigger system, and hence it’s important to have a strong voice from SiN, so we’re not forgotten. “
Also elected was an advisory board consisting of Ole Kristian Dyskeland (SiN President 2023) and Nicolas Gibney (SiN President 2022/Communications Officer 2023).
Outgoing President Ole Kristian, and the entire 2023 board, wished the new board the best of luck in their upcoming term.
Further information will be sent to member organisations in the 2023 SiN Board’s final newsletter.
The current board would like to thank DION and NTNU for being willing to host the 2023 AGM, although circumstances dictated that it be held online instead. On the 27th of November the transition period started with the 2024 board being invited to the penultimate 2023 board meeting, though a transition seminar is planned for early 2024.